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Supporting Local Talent

At Nicomatic, we believe in championing the spirit of community and fostering local talent, especially in embracing sportsmanship, unity, and vibrant energy within our locale. We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the Avant Garde Bons-En-Chablais (AGB) Football Team, an embodiment of dynamism, youthful zest, and exemplary teamwork on the field.

Rooted in our commitment to nurturing and uplifting community endeavors, this sponsorship intertwines our core values with football's pulsating and electrifying world. The AGB Team not only brings a zealous love for the sport to the pitch but also exemplifies resilience, dedication, and a collective camaraderie that resonates with us profoundly.

With an enthusiastic heart and steadfast support, we stand with the AGB Team. Here's to a future woven with spectacular goals, unified aspirations, and a partnership that scores beyond the field.

Nicomatic with AGB